Founded in 2004 by Grenville Johnson - Kensington Road Residents Association  were awarded the Gordon Ford Silver Trophy in 2013 from R.H.S Britain in Bloom - South West for the best Neighbourhood entry in the entire South West .


In 2014  they were given an additional R.H.S award - the ‘ RHS It’s Your Neighbourhood National Certificate of Distinction.’  They have also achieved ‘Outstanding’ the highest commendation in the R.H.S ‘It’s Your Neighbourhood’ awards in 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013 & 2014.


The residents association campaigned to have all the street trees reinstated and the street now has an unique identity.


In 2015 Kensington Road was featured as a showcase garden at the RHS Hampton Court  Palace Flower Show as part of the RHS ‘Grey to Green’ campaign, and was also featured on national television by the B.B.C.


On 14th May 2013 Grenville Johnson was awarded The Lord Mayor of Bristol’s medal for his  local community & environmental work in Kensington Road.



The RHS ‘Grey to Green’ display at RHS Hampton Court Flower Show 2015 inspired by Kensington Road, St George in Bristol.

The 2014 R.H.S It’s Your Neighbourhood National Certificate of Distinction award.

An historic photo of Kensington Road at the end of world war two depicting a celebration

street party.


Our former projects .

Kensington Road enhancements.

The award winning garden in St George, Bristol..

Contact details.

Grenville  Johnson accompanying The Duchess of Cornwall (now Queen Consort) on her tour of  the RHS show garden at Hampton Court Flower Show that featured Grenville's road in Bristol.


This was the launch of the RHS ‘Greening Great Britain’ campaign that encouraged residents to enhance their streets and improve them to become greener and more wildlife friendly.


Kensington Road Residents Association was awarded the RHS Gordon Ford Trophy

 by South West in Bloom for their improvements to this urban road.

A superb mural painted on the side of the house by Gage graphics of Bristol.

A view of Kensington Road.